
  1. Open your image and type your desired text.
  2. Rasterize Text: Right-click the text layer and select “Rasterize Type.”
  3. Select Overlapping Areas: Use selection tools to select the parts of the image that should appear in front of the text (e.g., the hat).
  4. Create a Mask: With the selection active, select the text layer and click “Add Layer Mask” to hide the selected portions of the text.
  5.  Refine Mask: Use the Brush Tool (black/white) to perfect the mask, revealing or hiding more of the text.
  6. Save: Save as a PSD to keep layers, and as a JPEG/PNG for sharing.
an illustration of different shapes

In the process of creating this, I utilized several tools. The image used as a layer was provided by my lecturer. I used various features within Adobe Illustrator, including the Pen Tool, Curvature Tool, Shape Builder Tool, and Selection Tool, to craft the final illustration.

This was project given to me in school , i was instructed to snap an object and to do some adjustment by adjusting the lighting , contrast and every other thing to make the picture look professional.

Illustration of a bicycle

While creating this, I made use of multiple tools. The image I used as a layer was supplied by my instructor. I employed various features in Adobe Illustrator, such as the Pen Tool, Curvature Tool, Shape Builder Tool, and Selection Tool, to design the final illustration.